Make Hydrogen Work 

How can we ensure that there are enough people with the right skills for the green hydrogen economy? Through the Make Hydrogen Work initiative, GroenvermogenNL offers professionals who want to become proficient in hydrogen a pathway to acquire the necessary skills.

The HCA-GVNL programme defines seven regions in the Netherlands. Those regions developed roadmaps in 2023 that set out the regional pathway to sufficient human capital for the hydrogen transition. These roadmaps specify the approaches, projects, and priorities within each region, highlighting the national-level coherence that enables regions to collaboratively develop smart investment strategies.

Modules and curricula for hydrogen skills

The seven regions are now working together at national level to develop a competent and skilled labour market under the slogan ‘Make Hydrogen Work’. Make Hydrogen Work comprises those campuses across the Netherlands that develop and deliver training programmes to equip professionals with the skills needed to become proficient in hydrogen. These campuses are established by hydrogen partnerships between businesses, knowledge institutes, educational institutions, and government agencies. Both public and private educational institutions are involved in developing the modules and curricula for hydrogen-related training programmes, which are provided on the campuses.

Modules for individual development paths

Make Hydrogen Work develops national tools optimised for rollout and use at regional level. At the same time, Make Hydrogen Work offers insights into training programmes (already available or under development) at regional level. An important part of Make Hydrogen Work is that the modules are linked to individual development paths. Skills-gap analyses reveal the skills development needs of employees in the business sector. Digital tooling can map out an employee’s individual development path, illustrating the journey from their starting point to the desired level of proficiency. Another component of Make Hydrogen Work is a mentoring programme (with coaches, for example) for professionals who require refresher training, additional training, or retraining in the field of hydrogen.

Hydrogen skills certification based on micro-credentials

It is important to develop a national certification system based on micro-credentials, so that professionals can apply the knowledge and skills gained at their regional campuses anywhere in the country. An example is the European Green Skills for Hydrogen project. This project operates at European level to support the development of a sufficiently well-trained workforce, by systematically identifying the skills needed and the training required to deliver them.

National coordination by GroenvermogenNL

GVNL coordinates the Make Hydrogen Work programme at the national level. The seven regions are responsible for implementing the programme. Make Hydrogen Work also aspires to cooperate internationally, with other campuses in Europe, for example. This cooperation will be based, for example, on the regions’ existing partnerships and other Dutch partnerships for the production and export of green hydrogen. The aim is an international network of campuses for knowledge sharing and training that produces enough highly-trained professionals to carry out the hydrogen transition.

Insight in the platform Make Hydrogen Work

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