A coherent approach for the Netherlands
Human Capital Agenda Strategy publication 2024-2028
Human Capital Agenda
HCA is committed to ensuring that the well-trained talent that is essential to accelerating the green hydrogen economy is there in sufficient numbers. Both for training and for professionals who are already working in the industry. GroenvermogenNL has an integrated vision of innovation, learning and working to help accomplish the hydrogen transition. This vision offers a link between the individual programme lines.

2022 saw the start of implementation of the Human Capital Agenda for GroenvermogenNL, which was based on the memorandum entitled ‘Bridge to the Future’ (in Dutch). The first programmes got under way in the final quarter of 2022 with funding from the regional body SIA. In the meantime, projects and studies are in full swing in all other areas.
Regional Roadmaps
The Regional Roadmaps from GroenvermogenNL are designed to encourage a coherent approach with other encouragement programmes (Growth Fund, EU, etc.) that are also focused on the elimination of bottlenecks within the Human Capital Agenda. All talent is essential, and that requires a coherent and recognisable approach at both national level and for the individual regions that are due to start working with the individual programmes.
It is important that the programmes from GroenvermogenNL (Human Capital, R&D, demonstrations and pilots) reinforce one another, supplement one another and feed one another.
R&D, demonstraties en pilots
Naast human capital investeert GroenvermogenNL in R&D en demo’s en pilots. Voor het slagen van de waterstoftransitie is veel nieuwe kennis nodig. Om deze nieuwe kennis toe te leiden naar de arbeidsmarkt, verbindt zij kennisontwikkeling met regionale learning communities waar innoveren, leren en werken samenkomen.
Skills valorisation
GroenvermogenNL is also firmly committed to skills valorisation, to more quickly translating new knowledge from innovation into the development of skills in business and education. We do this with a national agenda and regional implementation as part of the wider Human Capital Agenda for the Energy Transition.
The HCA GroenvermogenNL programme is being implemented by a team of national programme managers and Regional Liaisons. See all team members.
- GroenvermogenNL is translating this cohesion between the pillars into a single criterion or multiple criteria within all programmes, such as an overlap between the consortia.
- GroenvermogenNL uses information meetings and workshops to provide information on the added value and necessity of this cohesion, and helps to bring parties together.
- In the Regional Roadmaps, the Liaisons indicate how cohesion (both substantive and at consortium level) is organised.
Different tools and formats are available for the programmes and projects.
Linking GroenvermogenNL pillars
It is important that the programmes from GroenvermogenNL (Human Capital, R&D, demonstrations and pilots) reinforce one another, supplement one another and feed one another. Cohesion is being shaped along three main threads under the working title ‘Connecting pillars’.
Cohesive approach to human capital energy transition
In 2022, various incentive programs will be launched that focus on the human capital agenda of the energy transition. Coordination and consultation are necessary to prevent these from competing with each other. This also ensures proper cohesion and synergy. That is why the Top Sector Energy has taken the initiative for a coherent approach in collaboration with GroenvermogenNL. The following programs from the National Growth Fund participate in this, among others: LLO-Catalyst, Upscaling PPP Vocational Education, GroenvermogenNL, AiNed, N-puls. There is also coordination with the Just Transition Fund of the EU, the Green and Digital Jobs plan and the Technology Attack Plan