

25 June 2024

Labor market tightness and skills gap are major problems. Human Capital Agenda 2024-2029 addresses this. Focuses on training and development of professionals in the sector.

Haalbaarheidsstudie waterstof testfaciliteit

16 February 2024 | GVNL

GroenvermogenNL asked Mott McDonald for a feasibility study on a testing facility for equipment in the higher TRL-phases with which green hydrogen can be produced. Based on the results of this study GroenvermogenNL will execute next steps towards realizing such a facility within a limited time frame.. Development of the business case for such a facility is an important part of the next steps.

Information session | carbon-neutral production of hydrogen | WP1

13 November 2023

26 October 2023

GroenvermogenNL heeft Mott McDonald gevraagd om een inventarisatie te maken van de kostensoorten die mogelijk subsidiabel kunnen worden in een regeling voor het subsidiëren van keteninnovatieprojecten. Het rapport hierover is bijgevoegd.

Hydrogen guide 2023 – Excelling in hydrogen

10 May 2023

Over 60 years ago, large natural gas reserves were discovered in the Netherlands. As a result, one of the world’s most extensive and sophisticated gas grids was developed. A second gas revolution is well underway with the introduction of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen.

R&D program

24 April 2023
The R&D pillar aims to bring together all relevant national expertise on hydrogen and green electrons as basis for complex chemistry. A coordinated effort on R&D is essential not only for upscale and acceleration of hydrogen production and utilization, but also to further strengthen the collaboration between companies and knowledge institutions and stimulate new partnerships, while avoiding replication and blind spots at the national level.

Consortium Agreement Template

28 February 2023

Consortium Agreement principles & Template

Be aware! There are two documents this one and ‘Agreement principles’ on this ‘document’ page.


Consortium Agreement principles

28 February 2023

Consortium Agreement principles & Template.

Be aware! There are two documents this one and ‘Agreement Template’ on this document page.