GroenvermogenNL, in partnership with NWO, has made available a €12 million grant to HySUCCESS. Together with  €1 miljoen from the industry. This consortium of parties from the knowledge field and business will conduct extensive research into the socioeconomic factors surrounding the transition to a green hydrogen economy. 

The transition to a green hydrogen economy is not only a technological issue. Social, legal, and economic factors also play a key role. Is there public support for the large-scale adoption of hydrogen? Do laws and regulations cooperate? And is industry willing to invest in it? How do we build a just transition? 

A wide consortium from knowledge and business 

With 1 of the 7 components of the R&D program, GroenvermogenNL focuses on the socio-economic factors of a successful hydrogen transition. For this component, parties from the knowledge field and the business community have joined forces within 1 broad consortium: HySUCCESS (Social, User aCCeptable, Economically Sustainable Systems for hydrogen). The consortium consists of 10 universities, 5 colleges, 4 commercial organizations and an industry association. 

 Socio-economic research 

The parties within HySUCCESS have successfully written a joint project proposal for their socioeconomic research across 5 years. The consortium will evaluate how economic, legal, policy and sociocultural aspects may hinder or promote the implementation of green hydrogen. HySUCCESS also aims to identify strategies to counter barriers to large-scale production and use. The consortium is further exploring the possible negative environmental impacts of using green hydrogen and how to mitigate them.  

Promoting applications of hydrogen  

With the research, led by professors Linda Steg (University of Groningen) and Henk Akkermans (Tilburg University), HySUCCESS aims to support the social and economic conditions to promote large-scale application of hydrogen. For example, by providing business lessons, policy recommendations and regulatory frameworks, by highlighting regional labor market effects, by providing insight into the drivers of public acceptance and ensuring a just hydrogen transition. 

Want to know more about the research? 

HySUCCESS research will run until 2028. The consortium will host an official kick-off event at the end of 2024. Curious about the research? Watch the introduction video of HySUCCESS and read more about the R&D program component. 

GroenvermogenNL: accelerating the use of green hydrogen  

GroenvermogenNL is a program funded by the National Growth Funds. It aims to stimulate and accelerate the use of green hydrogen in Dutch industry by focusing on R&D, pilot projects, demonstrations and Human Capital Agenda. A total budget of €838 million has been set aside for this purpose through 2030.