GroenvermogenNL, in collaboration with NWO, is hosting an informational session about the upcoming call for Theme 6 of GroenvermogenNL R&D: Hydrogen and green electrons for specialty and fine chemicals. This session is scheduled for February 13th. 

The call will be opened via the NWO Website two weeks in advance of this session. The information session is designed to explain specifics of the call, the process of forming an R&D consortium, and for prospective relevant parties to network with each other.

Speciality chemicals

Are you a researcher or company working on speciality chemicals? Do you want to work together with a nation-wide industry driven consortium on transformative innovations for the chemical industry? Then register now for the information session.

The chemical industry plays an important role in the energy transition. The sector can make an important contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by opting for green chemistry and green electrons. The sector also has great economic significance for the Netherlands. This is why GroenvermogenNL is focusing on green chemistry in the next phase of its R&D program. 

The key objective in this program is the development of new methods & routes for chemical synthesis to green the chemical industry infrastructure, also providing opportunities to enlarge the market with new and innovative products.  

This theme, theme 6, aims to develop new, innovative reactions in the synthesis of specialties and fine-chemicals that move the resource chain away from fossil-based petrochemistry.  

The activities are divided into two approaches 

  • Production of specialty & fine chemicals from hydrogen, green electrons or photons & complex, non-fossil-based feedstock (biomass and various waste streams, including e.g. plastic waste, agricultural waste, household waste, and CO2 for fine chemical synthesis). 
  • Development of novel synthesis routes to produce specialty & fine chemicals using electrochemistry and/or photochemistry. 

Special procedure: one consortium, one project plan

The call will be implemented by NWO. We have chosen a special procedure: 

  • Demand from industry is central to the research 
  • Companies can also apply for funding (for up to 40%). 
  • There is no competition between grant applicants. Parties work together on one project plan. 
  • Beforehand, parties participate in two workshops of 2.5 days each. These will take place in April and May 2025. 

Grant budget and opening

A grant budget of €20 million is available for the call. The call is expected to open in the last week of January. From then on, you can register as a company or knowledge institution to work together on a project plan during two workshops. 


Location:  Utrecht Jaarbeurs MeetUp

Time:  15.00 – 17.00 hours (including drinks)  


More information 

Want to stay informed about the call? Subscribe to GroenvermogenNL’s newsletter. Or ask a question to: Jane Butler 

GroenvermogenNL: innovation motor of the green hydrogen economy, is a program funded by the National Growth Fund. It aims to stimulate and accelerate the use of green hydrogen in Dutch industry by focusing on R&D, pilot projects, demonstrations and Human Capital Agenda. A total budget of €838 million has been set aside for this purpose through 2030. 

For more information about theme 6, please contact

Jane Butler


Programma Manager