Kick-off HySUCCESS: National research consortium launched on non-technical factors of the green hydrogen transition
On Monday 2nd December, GroenvermogenNL’s HySUCCESS project was launched. A broad consortium from the knowledge and business field will spend the next six years focusing on the socio-economic factors of a successful hydrogen transition. ‘Societal support and a favourable economic and legal climate are just as important as technical innovations,’ said Paulien Herder, board member of GroenvermogenNL.
In the heart of Groningen, dozens of partners from the knowledge and business field gathered for the kick-off event. The whole day focused on the socio-economic side of the hydrogen transition. According to Herder, that side of the transition is crucial. ‘HySUCCESS focuses on exactly that: identifying and analysing factors such as public acceptance, economic feasibility, legal frameworks and policy instruments that influence the role of green hydrogen and green chemistry in a sustainable future.’
Equitable hydrogen transition
The research is led by professors Linda Steg (University of Groningen) and Henk Akkermans (Tilburg University). Steg also stresses the importance of non-technical factors for the hydrogen transition. ‘Because without acceptance of hydrogen, good laws and regulations and good business models, hydrogen will not be able to be implemented on a large scale. In doing so, it is important to have a fair hydrogen transition, with a fair distribution of costs and benefits and with transparent procedures, which also contributes to public acceptance.’
Cooperation between science and business
Within HySUCCESS, which stands for Social, User aCCeptable, Economically Sustainable Systems for hydrogen, parties from the knowledge field and the business community have joined forces within 1 broad consortium: 10 universities, 4 universities of applied sciences, 3 research organisations and 3 industrial partners are working together. They investigate the role of green hydrogen in a carbon-neutral energy system and the effects of hydrogen on the environment. They further zoom in on the factors that hinder and strengthen the economic feasibility of hydrogen business cases in the Netherlands. They also study legal frameworks and policy instruments and socio-cultural factors that determine what role hydrogen can play in the energy system.
Scientific research
‘With this project, we want to understand the economic, legal, and social factors that influence the feasibility of hydrogen. We hope to shed light on regional labour market effects and understand the drivers of public acceptance,’ says Steg. ’This is scientific research in which everything can be questioned, including whether hydrogen can play a role in the future energy system. Based on our research, politicians and other societal stakeholders can determine what role hydrogen can have in the Dutch energy system and what policies are needed to remove barriers.’

Connection to other projects
According to Herder, HySUCCESS is an essential part of Groenvermogennl’s R&D programme. ‘It will connect with other GroenvermogenNL projects to promote acceleration of the hydrogen economy. For example, HySUCCESS analyses the economic feasibility and social acceptance of innovative electrolysis and plasma technologies that are central to the HyPRO consortium. Or consider hydrogen transport and storage for example, which the HyTROS consortium is researching. What about its legal and policy frameworks? Also, for our other pillars, such as the demo projects and our human capital agenda, HySUCCESS helps to remove socio-economic barriers that could stand in the way of further implementation and acceleration.’
About GroenvermogenNL R&D Programme
To achieve deployment of green hydrogen on a large scale in the Netherlands, we need innovative technologies for hydrogen production and for the chemical industry. GroenvermogenNL R&D programme connects parties in balanced, nation-wide, unique consortia to solve urgent research questions. A total of €177 million in funding is available for this purpose. Curious about the research? Watch the introduction video of HySUCCESS and read more about the R&D programme components.
GroenvermogenNL: Innovation Engine of the Green Hydrogen Economy
GroenvermogenNL is a programme funded by the Dutch National Growth Fund. It aims to stimulate and accelerate the use of green hydrogen in Dutch industry by focusing on R&D, pilot projects, demonstrations and human capital. A grant budget totaling €838 million has been set aside for this purpose through to 2030.