Break-out session
Jelle Blekxtoon | FME
Jelle Blekxtoon, with a chemical and business background, has built up over 11 years of experience in the energy sector. From his current role at FME & EMP-NL, he supports, connects, facilitates and strengthens Dutch technology companies to have a mature manufacturing industry for hydrogen technology by 2030.

Dr. ir. Peter Lucas | Program Manager Hydrogen – H2 Platform (
Peter is enthusiastic about the energy transition and the opportunities it offers for a cleaner and fairer world. Hydrogen can play an important role in energy storage, as a building block/raw material and for applications that are difficult to electrify. For aviation, the latter comes together with Lucas’ education, as well as the need for research and development to make flying on hydrogen possible. Lucas has a soft spot for entrepreneurship, his own start-up has not (yet) come about, but through the collaboration with the Impact Studio, the first steps towards hydrogen and green chemistry start-ups are stimulated and facilitated.

Jörg Gigler | director TKI newGas
Dr. Jörg Gigler (1967) has been working on sustainability and innovation for nearly 30 years. Since 2013 he is director of TKI New Gas, an innovation-focused public private partnership which is part of the Topsector Energy | Energy Innovation NL. He is responsible for innovation on topics such as hydrogen, biomethane, geo energy and CCS. Since 2016 he is responsible for the cross-cutting hydrogen innovation programme. Jörg has held different positions in research, consultancy, the gas industry and at governments. He studied Agricultural Engineering at Wageningen University (NL) where he obtained a PhD in Agricultural Sciences in the year 2000. He is a regular speaker and moderator at conferences.

Bert den Ouden | Projectdirecteur van HyXchange
Bert den Ouden is projectdirecteur van het “HyXchange” Hydrogen Exchange-initiatief, ondersteund door de Nederlandse gasexploitant Gasunie en verschillende Nederlandse havenautoriteiten, en betrokkenheid van vele marktpartijen. Het initiatief is gericht op een liquide markt voor de handel in waterstof op de belangrijkste Nederlandse waterstofinfrastructuur, inclusief de wereldwijde import daar en de daarmee geassocieerde Europese landen. Het HyXchange-ontwikkelingsprogramma omvat een pilot met een waterstofcertificaat, een simulatie van de waterstofspotmarkt en de ontwikkeling van een waterstofprijsindicator. Waterstofdragers vallen ook onder de scope.

Lennart van der Burg is hydrogen expert and as cluster manager green hydrogen responsible for the green hydrogen R&D development program within the leading Dutch applied research centre TNO. Together with industry, government and research TNO is involved in the full supply chain from (offshore) hydrogen production, transportation, storage and application. Lennart is leading the Power-2-Hydrogen program line of the Shared research initiative VoltaChem. Here we work together with industry on next generation PEM, SOE, alkaline, AEM and CO2 electrolyser technology and breakthrough improvements with respect to circularity, cost, performance and upscaling. Lennart has a strong dedication to tackle climate change and is besides TNO active as a local councillor and was involved in a social enterprise on sustainable lifestyle. Lennart has over 15 year professional experience in the renewable energy and water technology sector. Before 9 years at TNO he worked for 7 years at engineering company Sweco. Lennart and has a master degree in environmental economics and water technology.

Gino van Strijdonck | Lector Material Sciences
Recently, dihydrogen became of interest as a versatile and green career of renewable energy. As a chemist my passion for this molecule stems from way before. Hydrogen is the first and smallest element of our periodic table and very important in numerous compounds as drugs and materials. In our quest for sustainability it is a molecule of great importance as a (potentially) green building block.
Hydrogen, however, is a very social element which likes to be paired with another hydrogen to form a dihydrogen molecule and is then full of energy. Above all, hydrogen likes diversity and connects to most other atoms to form interesting molecules with important properties and functionalities. Together they do the job in a hydrogen based (or better inspired) economy.
Gino van Strijdonck
Lector Material Sciences
Zuyd Hogeschool/CHILL

René Peters | TNO
René Peters is an expert in engineering physics with a background at Eindhoven University of Technology. After his PhD in 1993 at the same university, where he optimized gas flows in pipeline networks, he worked at Shell Research on gas extraction from nearly empty gas fields. He then joined TNO in 1998, where he held various positions in gas extraction, transport, and storage. He is currently director of gas technology, directing research on sustainable gases such as green gas and hydrogen, the role of gas in energy transition and system integration.