Hydrogen in education: H2inO
Explore the world of hydrogen
These video clips walk you through the hydrogen chain, exploring its journey from production to its role as a feedstock in chemical (and biochemical) plants.
The animation explains the nature of hydrogen and the part it could play in driving our economy.

Jeroen, a project engineer, explains how hydrogen plants will soon produce an adequate supply of hydrogen.

Marjolijn, a project developer, explains how wind energy and solar power can be harnessed to generate green hydrogen.

Lars, a student, describes his research into environmentally friendly hydrogen technologies.

Suzanne, a technical researcher, explains her research into safety and gas pipelines.

Raoul, an electrical technician, gives details of his work on cutting-edge hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Tim, a teacher, describes various ways of using hydrogen as a raw material.

Whitepaper on young people, perceptions, and technology
Teachers and communication professionals in education spend their days designing and improving teaching materials and messaging for programmes involving technology, potentially with an emphasis on hydrogen technology. When deciding on matters like developing lesson materials and teaching resources, it’s vital to ensure they resonate with what inspires young people.
Discover handy tips in the publication entitled Communicatie Tips – Technologie voor iedereen (Communication Tips – Technology for everyone)A study of young people’s views on hydrogen.
One objective of the H2inO project is to explore young people’s attitudes towards hydrogen and green chemistry. We need to discover how to spark young people’s interest in the energy transition and the role of green hydrogen. This calls for a wide-ranging educational initiative, from primary education to vocational training.
The qualitative study, involving a panel of young people, was carried out by Talent for Technology Platform. Interested in what the study revealed?
Read the report entitled De blik van jongeren op waterstof en groene chemie – Hoe krijg je ze mee? (Young People’s Views on Hydrogen and Green Chemistry – How Can You Capture their interest?)Do you have any questions about H2inO?
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Koen Maassen