PL-5: Innovation and development impetus for business

Platform Talent for Technology will coordinate the exploratory research into small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) and hydrogen in relation to Learning Communities.

Challenges in business processes

Businesses working on the hydrogen transition face the ongoing challenge of having to adjust their operational processes and skills. GroenvermogenNL has asked research and consultancy firm Dialogic to analyse the bottlenecks that SMEs experience and how they can be effectively eliminated. As part of this, Dialogic is analysing existing SME incentive programmes and talking to the regions.

Advice for national SME programme

The aim is to develop a recommendation for a national SME incentive programme from GroenvermogenNL. For larger businesses, a quartermaster will commence work on a business programme aimed at strengthening the learning and development function within businesses and in networks with other businesses and knowledge and educational institutions (within the context of learning communities).

The Talent for Technology Platform is the implementation and knowledge partner for these analyses.


The Talent for Technology Platform is the national center of knowledge, expertise and networks in the field of technological education and the labor market. The organization connects policy, practice and science on social issues with education, business and (regional) government in order to jointly arrive at a powerful and practical approach.


Programme manager

Henk van Terwisga

Human Capital Agenda

Program Manager