Southeastern Netherlands Region
The ambition is to produce sustainable hydrogen with no CO2 emissions by 2050. In conjunction with electrification, sustainable hydrogen will help to shape the energy and resource transition at Chemelot. In addition, the Chemelot Innovation and Learning Labs (CHILL), a public-private partnership between Maastricht University, Vista College, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences and businesses such as DSM, Sabic and Fibrant, has been active at Chemelot for ten years and as such, is a Learning Community designed to help make chemistry more sustainable.
The transition to sustainable chemistry is the commitment of the broad triple alliance of Chemelot Circular Hub (CCH) and its Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP). The CEAP is the reference framework for the further development of the Regional Roadmap, focusing on retaining talent, attracting game-changers and offering top-class facilities for research and innovation, including digitisation.
The objective is to formulate a Regional Roadmap, based on a knowledge map of the region and an update of the learning community, educational programmes and business support. A secondary objective is to strengthen cooperation within the regional knowledge platform. This will involve maximum integration with both existing initiatives and developments within the other regions, as well as nationally.
Approach and actions
The approach mirrors the work streams within HCA GroenvermogenNL and offers synergy between regional and national actions. Deepening of the knowledge base, strengthening of cooperation and acceleration of innovative educational and labour market initiatives are central to this.
The mapping of gaps, ambitions and good practices relating to hydrogen on a regional knowledge map. Followed by a linking of these to the national knowledge map.
Based on this knowledge map, evaluation of the current functioning of the CHILL Learning Community and adjustment of its offering, where necessary. With a view to co-organisation of existing and potential new training initiatives, coordination of the offer with WaterstofCoalitieLimburg and beyond with other regional Learning Communities.
Setup of a regional knowledge platform and strengthening of cooperation between Maastricht University, Vista College, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, CHILL and TNO/Brightsite, with a view to preparation of the Regional Roadmap and joint organisation of an annual event. Within this, each educational institution coordinates with its fellow educational institutions in other regions in relation to the hydrogen and/or energy and raw materials transition/circular economy, while we organise an exchange of knowledge with the other Learning Communities and the GVNL programme team via a digital platform and national events.
Evaluation and, where necessary, adjustment of the current training offer on the basis of the knowledge map, including lateral entry, practice-based research/education and teacher professionalisation. This requires coordination with fellow educational institutions and Learning Communities in relation to co-organisation of existing and new training courses, research and teacher professionalisation. There should also be integration with the development of the national digital learning environment.
Finally, the team will review the current offer of regional support for businesses through e.g. LIOF and good practices elsewhere. In liaison with fellow ROMs and Learning Communities relating to existing or planned incentive programmes, these programmes will be adapted wherever possible.
The Regional Liaison team comprises experts from the educational institutions, CHILL, Brightsite and the CCH programme manager. The team will be integrated into CCH governance, ensuring coordination with other projects within the Growth Fund and JTF.
Gino van Strydonck and Björn Koopmans act as points of contact for the team:

Gino van Strydonck
Lid Liaisonteam

Björn Koopmans