Western Netherlands Region
Much like other regions of the country, the Western Netherlands/South Holland region is faced with labour shortages in the technical sector. The region, of which the Randstad is a significant part, has three unique features:
- There are three major cities in the region: Rotterdam, The Hague and Dordrecht, all with high unemployment rates. South Holland itself saw a peak unemployment rate of 4.1 per cent in 2022.
- It is an area that is home to a wide range of industrial enterprises. The Port and Industrial Complex near Rotterdam and the industry around the Drechtsteden are characteristic of the region.
- This is a region in which hydrogen will be produced, traded, transshipped and consumed.
In order to train sufficient numbers of people in hydrogen to support the energy transition, a plan will be prepared to establish a Learning Community within which knowledge can be developed and shared over two paths.
Approach and actions
The first path in the Learning Community will relate to substantive knowledge of hydrogen technology. This will tackle issues from the Liaison network and from GroenvermogenNL’s R&D work packages, as well as through the development and provision of education.
The second path is an educational-pedagogical path involving parties from the social midfield whose role will be to train and retrain professionals, specialists and people with a vulnerability on the labour market.
Working with these parties, a portion of the education developed within the Learning Community should be made suitable for lateral incomers and those with a vulnerability on the labour market.

Marieke Klip
Lid Liaisonteam