Reopening of DEI+ funding scheme: Hydrogen and Green Chemistry (GroenvermogenNL)
The Demonstration of Energy and Climate Innovation (DEI+) funding scheme for Hydrogen and Green Chemistry (GroenvermogenNL) will reopen on 3 July. The scheme promotes the development of innovative products and services aimed at producing, transporting and storing hydrogen, as well as its application. Businesses working on innovations related to hydrogen and green chemistry are encouraged to apply.

The scheme has undergone a number of notable changes aimed at the testing and experimentation infrastructure and the wider use of hydrogen. The scheme also meets the latest version of the European requirements for the production of renewable hydrogen or RFNBOs (renewable fuels of non-biological origin).
The importance of DEI+ Hydrogen and Green Chemistry (GroenvermogenNL)
The scheme originated from the National Growth Fund programme “Green Power of the Dutch Economy” (GroenvermogenNL). This programme aims to accelerate the production, storage, transport and application of green hydrogen by joining forces of knowledge and successful innovation in the Netherlands. Hydrogen plays an important role for the Netherlands in achieving its climate goals. In the energy transition, a major role is played by entrepreneurs working on innovations that can expand hydrogen production at lower costs. For these entrepreneurs, a DEI+ subsidy offers interesting opportunities.
Changes to the scheme
The DEI+ Hydrogen and Green Chemistry (GroenvermogenNL) will look different to the way it did in 2022 in several respects. First of all, more types of projects will have a chance of being awarded funding, says Ruben Hortensius, hydrogen advisor at RVO. ‘Companies that want to invest in testing and experimentation infrastructure that other companies can use to test their new hydrogen technologies, can now also apply for funding.’
In addition, projects that indirectly contribute to reducing CO2 emissions can now also be awarded funding. Hortensius: ‘Suppose you develop a hydrogen-production installation: the research you want to do into the safety aspects are also eligible for funding. In the short term, this will not lead to any additional reduction in CO2 emissions, but in the long term it is crucial for the application and scaling up of the technology.’
The scheme has also been adapted to European legislation and regulations on hydrogen. This is why the new round also allows applications for funding for electrolysers that are connected to both a direct line and the grid.
Positive results
The previous round of the DEI+ Hydrogen and Green Chemistry (GroenvermogenNL) produced some positive results. ‘One result of the previous round of the funding scheme is that two new hydrogen-production installations have been approved. That’s good news, but for the new round we will be hoping for successful submissions across all the themes, including the transportation and storage of hydrogen,’ explains Hortensius.
Online information meeting
Businesses and other parties with an interest in DEI+ Hydrogen and Green Chemistry (GroenvermogenNL) are very welcome to attend an online information meeting on 4 July 2023. RVO will organize this with GroenvermogenNL.For more information or to register, please click here.
Apply for a grant
Is your company active in the hydrogen and green chemistry sector? Then the DEI+ Hydrogen and Green Chemistry scheme may be of interest to you. Would you like to know more about the scheme? You can read more here.
Commissioned by
RVO is running this scheme on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate with funding from the National Growth Fund.