Successful green hydrogen projects

By funding hydrogen projects, we are driving and accelerating the production and adoption of green hydrogen and green chemistry. Our ambition is to deliver projects that help to create a smoothly operating market for the industrial use of green hydrogen. Review the summary of sustainable projects, objectives, and funding schemes.
11 November 2024 | R&D

HySUCCESS: researching the level of support for green hydrogen

The transition to a future with large-scale use of green hydrogen not only requires technical innovation. Social support for green hydrogen and a favorable economic and regulatory environment are essential for such a transition.

19 September 2024 | R&D

HyPRO: research into risks and cost reduction

R&D | €34.5 million HyPRO provides a platform for research focused on making hydrogen production more sustainable, by advancing electrolysis technology and plasma technology. Objective: to reduce the cost of green hydrogen and scale up production.

12 December 2023 | R&D

HyUSE: research into the direct use of hydrogen

R&D | €16.5 million HyUSE provides a platform for research into the direct use of hydrogen. Objective: to investigate the feasibility of adopting hydrogen as a fuel for industrial use, heavy transport, and local energy systems in the future.

28 November 2023 | Category 2, R&D

HyTROS: applied research into transport and storage

R&D | €14 million HyTROS provides a platform for applied research into the transport and storage of hydrogen, and drives further development. Objective: to accelerate the scaling up of green hydrogen in the Netherlands.