Successful green hydrogen projects

HySUCCESS: researching the level of support for green hydrogen
The transition to a future with large-scale use of green hydrogen not only requires technical innovation. Social support for green hydrogen and a favorable economic and regulatory environment are essential for such a transition.

HyPRO: research into risks and cost reduction
R&D | €34.5 million HyPRO provides a platform for research focused on making hydrogen production more sustainable, by advancing electrolysis technology and plasma technology. Objective: to reduce the cost of green hydrogen and scale up production.

HyUSE: research into the direct use of hydrogen
R&D | €16.5 million HyUSE provides a platform for research into the direct use of hydrogen. Objective: to investigate the feasibility of adopting hydrogen as a fuel for industrial use, heavy transport, and local energy systems in the future.

HyTROS: applied research into transport and storage
R&D | €14 million HyTROS provides a platform for applied research into the transport and storage of hydrogen, and drives further development. Objective: to accelerate the scaling up of green hydrogen in the Netherlands.