The direct use of hydrogen

Most of the world’s hydrogen production from natural gas is earmarked for use as a raw material in industrial processes. Using hydrogen directly can also be an appealing solution for energy-intensive sectors, especially for decarbonising high-temperature processes. The HyUSE project focuses on ways of using hydrogen as a fuel in industry, heavy transport, and local energy systems.

The HyUSE project focuses on next-generation technologies for using hydrogen as a fuel in industry, heavy transport, and local energy systems.


2023 – 2029

Project Coordinator:

Frank Willems (TNO)

Technical Coordinator:

Hamed Aslannejad (Utrecht University (UU))


€14 million investment from industry and other institutions €2.5 million total €16.5 million


Hydrogen, along with derivatives like ammonia and methanol, can be used in electricity production. This can involve fuel cells or natural gas turbines (including modified turbines) for large-scale applications. Furthermore, both the mobility and construction sectors are well-positioned to use hydrogen. It’s also important to pinpoint segments within the construction sector where hydrogen would have the greatest impact. Aside from purely technical aspects, it’s necessary to explore the financial, environmental, safety, comfort, and social implications of hydrogen use.

What do we hope to achieve?

This work package focuses on the analysis of:

  • Hydrogen’s role as a fuel and raw material in industry (including energy-intensive sectors) and electricity generation.
  • Hydrogen’s role as a fuel in the mobility sector, in fuel cells that power electric drivetrains, or as a carbon-neutral option for use in internal combustion engines.
  • Hydrogen’s role as a fuel in the construction sector, for heating homes.
  • The systemic aspects of hydrogen use in various value chains.
  • The non-technical aspects of hydrogen use (policy, instruments, support).


How do we intend to achieve that?

  • Implementing and integrating hydrogen technologies into existing systems.
  • Valuable insights into the technical, economic, and ecological aspects in sectors such as energy-intensive industries and power generation.
  • Providing information to support decision-making processes and policy development.
  • Strengthening capacity building by leveraging educational outcomes.

Through this partnership, we aim to advance the direct use of hydrogen

Watch this video clip to learn how we engage with a consortium of thirty partners through workshops, to develop a project plan for the direct use of hydrogen.

Wat gaat het consortium doen

Watch this video clip to learn how we engage with a consortium of thirty partners through workshops, to develop a project plan for the direct use of hydrogen.


Jane Butler


Programma Manager