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6 February 2025 R&D

Kick-off HyPRO: “Removing Barriers for a Major Role of Hydrogen in the Energy Transition”

With a festive kick-off, HyPRO has officially launched—the largest R&D project for green hydrogen in the Netherlands. 58 partners gathered on Monday, February 3, with the goal of improving the sustainable production of hydrogen through electrolysis and plasma technology. “With this, we aim to remove barriers for a major role of hydrogen in the energy transition.”

31 January 2025 Demonstrations, Pilots

€ 175 miljoen beschikbaar voor DEI+: Energie- en klimaatinnovaties 

Speciaal voor waterstofondernemers was er in de vorige rondes van deze regeling de DEI+: Waterstof en groene chemie van GroenvermogenNL. Dit jaar is hier geen apart deel voor, maar valt waterstof en groene chemie binnen de reguliere DEI+. 

24 January 2025 GVNL

‘The progress of the hydrogen transition is powered by market forces’ interview with Bert den Ouden, Project Director HyXchange

The EU’s regulatory pressure threatens to stall green hydrogen development, potentially leaving the Netherlands at risk of missing out. Yet, according to Bert den Ouden, Project Director at the HyXchange hydrogen exchange, there is cause for optimism. This is because, by providing market transparency, this hydrogen trading platform helps to balance supply and demand. 7 questions for Bert.

24 January 2025 R&D

Large consortium working on plan for greening carbon-based chemistry

A large R&D consortium made up of dozens of companies and knowledge institutions is currently working to build a plan specifically for carbon-based chemistry. After a final workshop in mid-January, the partners are working towards a final proposal in March.  

24 January 2025 R&D

New R&D call: €19.3 million grant is available for hydrogen and green electrons for specialty and fine chemicals

Are you a researcher or company working on speciality chemicals? Do you want to work together with a nation-wide industry driven consortium on transformative innovations for the chemical industry?

5 December 2024 R&D

Kick-off HySUCCESS: National research consortium launched on non-technical factors of the green hydrogen transition

A broad consortium from the knowledge and business field will spend the next six years focusing on the socio-economic factors of a successful hydrogen transition. ‘Societal support and a favourable economic and legal climate are just as important as technical innovations,’ said Paulien Herder, board member of GroenvermogenNL. 

12 November 2024 GVNL

Interview Anne-Frédérique Demaerel, Global Business Expert Large Industries – Electrolyzers Accelera by Cummins

Demand stimulation of green hydrogen is definitely possible. But this requires all parties involved to work together in parallel on policy, energy costs, infrastructure and grid connection.

21 October 2024 R&D

R&D Consortium HyUSE has officially launched

On Friday, 11 October, a new R&D project from GroenvermogenNL was launched. In Utrecht, the HyUSE consortium kicked off a program in which 30 partners will conduct research over the next six years into the direct use of hydrogen as fuel for industry, heavy transport, and local energy systems.