Invitation to the GroeneWaterstofHuisNL. register now!
GroeneWaterstofHuis Event
Only one and a half month to go until the event that determine the path for the green hydrogen economy: the GroeneWaterstofhuisNL. The place where we connect companies, new start-ups, education, knowledge institutions and semi-governmental organizations to build a green future together. And everyone working on the realization of the green hydrogen economy is welcome! It promises to be a day full of inspiration with trends, developments and connection with 300+ participants from the hydrogen community. Have you signed up yet?
Where & when?
Date: Friday 1 December 2023
Location: Evenementen locatie Gooiland, Hilversum
Time: 09.30 – 18.00
We will open the day with an inspiring keynote from Maarten Wetselaar, CEO of CEPSA, a leading Spanish energy and petrochemical company active in the production, refining and distribution of petroleum products. Drawing from his experience in both the Netherlands and Spain, he shares success factors needed to realize a green hydrogen economy.
Afterwards, there will be plenty of space to participate in a variety of parallel sessions;
Under Prof. Bert Weckhysen’s guidance and with panel of specialties including Prof Guido Mul, Prof. Marc Koper, Dr. Martijn de Graaff, Prof. Fokko Mulder en Dr. Ed de Jong we explore the key research topics and challenges in the R&D work packages that will be launched in 2024 on the use of green hydrogen & green electrons for sustainable chemicals and fuels.
Learn from the experiences of pioneers in the hydrogen sector during an interactive session with Jorg Gigler.
Discover what makes an innovation project financeable. Moderator Martin Weissmann from the Financing Counter of the Top Sector Energy and the investor panel will engage in a joint discussion using various real-life examples.
Explore the opportunities of Hydrogen and the future earning capacity of the Netherlands. Moderator and inspirer Alice Krekt, director of the new trade association for the Dutch hydrogen sector, gives ‘360-degree feedback’ on the Netherlands and the future of our economy.
And that’s not all!
You can also speed-date with Martin Weissmann and RVO advisors, by whom you will be fully informed about various subsidies and financing opportunities. Or get inspired by the latest developments and projects on display. There will also be plenty of opportunity to network over coffee, a delicious lunch and drinks!
Discover the entire programme of parrallel sessions and register yourself – and your colleagues.
We would like to welcome you on Friday, December 1st at the GroenWaterstofHuisNL in Hilversum!
Het programmabestuur van GroenvermogenNL Marjan Oudeman, Paulien Herder en Annemarie Manger