Our speakers
The day promises to be interesting and informative. The invited speakers are leading experts in their fields. Keep checking this page regularly for programme updates.
10.00 - 11.30 uur Opening on stage in the main hall

Remco de Boer
Researcher ir Remco de Boer writes and speaks about energy and climate.

Marjan Oudeman
Chairwoman GroenvermogenNL

Martin Carbonez
Regulatory and Institutional Affairs Senior Manager – Power & Hydrogen Gas, Renewables and Power Total Energies

Albert Kassies
Director New Energy at Tata Steel Nederland

Anne-Frédérique De Maerel
Business expert development team van Cummins

Gijs Postma
MT-lid Directie Energiemarkt, DG Klimaat en Energie, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat
11.45 - 13.15 Break-out session in the morning
The morning programme consists of several sessions and lectures focusing on green hydrogen. The sessions will be led by the moderators listed below. They have invited several speakers to contribute. The full programme with all details can be found in the programme overview.

Nicole Vermeulen - Hy24
1. Driving the Future: Enhancing the Green Hydrogen Economy through International Collaboration. [Session is in English]

Martijn Coopman - Port of Rotterdam
1. Driving the Future: Enhancing the Green Hydrogen Economy through International Collaboration. [Session is in English]

Willem de Vries - ENERTRAG
1. Driving the Future: Enhancing the Green Hydrogen Economy through International Collaboration. [Session is in English]

Maria Trinidad Navarro - AP Executive Search
1. Driving the Future: Enhancing the Green Hydrogen Economy through International Collaboration. [Session is in English]

Jelle Blextoon | FME
2. Dutch Hydrogen Technology: how do we scale in and up?

Jane Butler | programma manager GVNL
3. R&D as an important accelerator. 'In it for the longhaul'. [Session is in English]

Bert Stuij | RVO, expert in sustainable energy innovation
3. R&D as an important accelerator. 'In it for the longhaul'. [Session is in English]

Guido Mul | Technical manager of Work Package 1
3. R&D as an important accelerator. 'In it for the longhaul'. [Session is in English]

Samira Farahani | NL Hydrogen
4. A cost model for green hydrogen. The High Price of Green Hydrogen: Challenges and Solutions for Cost Reduction.

Marcel Weeda | Senior Consultant Energy Transition
4. A cost model for green hydrogen. The High Price of Green Hydrogen: Challenges and Solutions for Cost Reduction.

Remko Ybema
4. A cost model for green hydrogen. The High Price of Green Hydrogen: Challenges and Solutions for Cost Reduction.

Peter Lucas | Program Manager Hydrogen
5. Making impact with GroenvermogenNL R&D.

Gerard van Smeden | Turning IP into impactful start-ups
5. Making impact with GroenvermogenNL R&D.

Claire Visser
5. Making impact with GroenvermogenNL R&D.

Jorrit Bleeker | Bestuur GroenvermogenNL-Young
6. How can young professionals leave a mark on the green hydrogen transition outside their bubble?
14.00 - 15.30 Break-out session in the afternoon

Bert den Ouden | Project Director, HyXchange project
7. Certify: either too little or too much Brussels policy?

Jorg Gigler
8. How do we learn more from projects?

Marcel Weeda | Senior Consultant Energy Transition
8. How do we learn more from projects?

Lennart vd Burg
8. How do we learn more from projects?

Koen Maassen | GroenvermogenNL Human Capital Agenda
9. Accelerate through knowledge sharing.

Gino van Strijdonck
9. Accelerate through knowledge sharing.

Marcel Koenis
9. Accelerate through knowledge sharing.

Rene Peters | TNO
10. Offshore hydrogen infrastructure in the North Sea, required for further growth offshore wind?

Maryam Alimoradi Jazi | GroenvermogenNL
11. Informatiesessie Waterstof en groene elektronen voor koolstof gebaseerde chemie [wp4

Liesbeth Looman | GroenvermogenNL
12. 50 shades of hydrogen - Power of storytelling

Michiel Bal – woordvoerder Missie H2
12. 50 shades of hydrogen - Power of storytelling

Marjemme van Poelgeest – communicatieadviseur Programmabureau NZKG
12. 50 shades of hydrogen - Power of storytelling

Nienke Kikkert – communicatieadviseur Nationaal Waterstof Programma
12. 50 shades of hydrogen - Power of storytelling
15.45 PM Keynote and other exciting speakers
Bert explains why pilots and demonstrations are so valuable. You will immediately see a fascinating overview of various inspiring examples. We will take you on a rapid journey along all these gems. And then there is a closing of the day that is truly unique and will surprise and motivate you. You definitely do not want to miss this!

Bert Weckhuysen
Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University.
1-op-1 Speeddate sessies

Martin Weissmann | Sparren over private financiering/ investeerders
Financieel loket - Topsector Energie

RVO adviseur | Sparren over publieke financiering/ subsidies
Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland [RVO]