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29 January 2024 R&D

Subsidy scheme for carbon-neutral hydrogen production with record subsidy

With a subsidy budget of €34.5 million, a consortium of over 50 organizations is working on a single project proposal for carbon-neutral hydrogen production. The call focuses on industry's need for the green hydrogen economy and the participants are for the most part also from industry.

10 January 2024 R&D

New GroenvermogenNL R&D Consortium HyUSE starts on research into the direct use of hydrogen

6 November 2023 GVNL

Invitation to the GroeneWaterstofHuisNL. register now!

It is still possible to register now! You have the opportunity to make new connections and make new discoveries together with others.

25 October 2023 R&D

€10 million available for grants for research on hydrogen and green chemistry

The subsidy for the Topsector Energie (TSE) Industry studies has been expanded to include the program line for hydrogen and green chemistry (GroenvermogenNL). This subsidy supports entrepreneurs in researching the feasibility of innovative projects with a focus on hydrogen and green chemistry. This new program line has a budget of €10 million and opens on October 26. 

19 October 2023 R&D

Subsidy scheme for carbon-neutral hydrogen production. Register now for the information session on Thursday November 9 in Utrecht

Do you want to participate and be at the forefront of the promising developments around green hydrogen? Sign up now for the information session on our new subsidy scheme on Thursday, November 9th in Utrecht.

3 October 2023 R&D

The first R&D program GroenvermogenNL: HyTROS

workshop HyTROS
14 August 2023 GVNL

Save the date! Friday December 1. Then we will open the doors of the Groene WaterstofhuisNL.

Put Friday 1st December 2023 in your calendar! Then we will open the doors of the Groene WaterstofhuisNL. An event where we build a green future together.

24 July 2023 Human Capital

The HCA programme at 18 months