The Chemistry, Energy and HTSM top sectors are the driving forces behind GroenvermogenNL. A programme board was established following discussions with a wide range of stakeholders from across the country, and includes representatives from the business community, the knowledge industry and the public sector.
The program board:
Ms Marjan Oudeman, MBA was a member of the Executive Committee of the European division of the Tata Steel Group (formerly Corus) and Executive Director of the steel company’s Strip Division before becoming a member of the Executive Committee of AkzoNobel. She is also a former chairman of the Executive Board at Utrecht University. Oudeman is a board member at several companies in the Netherlands and abroad, including UPM-Kymmene Corporation and Solvay SA. She also holds a number of ancillary positions.
Prof Paulien Herder is the dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences and professor of Energy Systems at TU Delft. She specialises in energy systems integration and in making energy and industry free of fossil fuels through electrochemical conversion by combining technical sciences with social and behavioural sciences. Between 2013 and 2019, she was Director of the Delft Energy Initiative, which is a portal to around 1000 energy researchers on the Delft campus. She is a member of the Supervisory Board of Hotelschool The Hague and a member of the Scientific Sounding Board Committee for the North Sea Consultation.
Annemarie Manger is Head of the Joint Team at Aramis CCS. Aramis is a partnership comprising TotalEnergies, Shell, Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), and Nederlandse Gasunie. Aramis aims to make a significant contribution to reducing the carbon emissions of industries in which improving sustainability is particularly challenging, through the realisation of a large-scale infrastructure for the transportation and storage of CO2 in empty gas fields beneath the North Sea. Before joining Aramis, Annemarie was Director of Sustainability and Decarbonisation at Tata Steel, when it first began to take serious steps on the route towards hydrogen. She is a chemical engineer with wide-ranging experience in the energy transition and combines her knowledge of decarbonisation, sustainability, and project management with a commitment to connect players in the energy transition. Until 2008, she worked at the engineering firm Fluor on the design, upscaling, and realisation of industrial projects.