
Scaling Up Innovative Developments

In addition to R&D, pilots and small demonstrations, it is also important to learn from larger projects. When scaling up, practical matters are often discussed and there is a lot to learn from what is involved in further scaling up. The GroenkrachtNL scale-up and demonstration program gives a kick-start to hydrogen (electrolyser) projects through regulations and knowledge sharing and stimulates both the production of equipment and the use of green hydrogen and green chemistry.

GroenvermogenNL contributes to accelerating scaling up in four ways:

  • Investeringssubsidie maakindustrie klimaatneutrale economie (IMKE)

This subsidy for the manufacturing industry stimulates the earning capacity of new activities related to the production of equipment for green hydrogen production. The consultation for IMKE closed on March 3. The program is expected to open in summer 2024.

  • A scheme for chain innovations

This scheme involves chain innovations in larger scaling projects, supported through IPCEI, OWE, or SDE++ for the production of green hydrogen. With this scheme, we support the entire chain from production, transport, storage to use. The program is expected to open in summer 2024.

  • A scheme for FEED and feasibility studies

This scheme involves program line 6 in TSE Industry studies ( We encourage the establishment of innovation and scaling projects with this scheme. Import projects can also benefit from this. We expect the program to open in spring 2024.

  • Setting up a national facility for endurance testing with green hydrogen

GroenvermogenNL has conducted research on the need for a test facility that businesses and research institutions can use. View the results here. The test facility focuses on endurance testing of equipment to produce green hydrogen for systems between 1 and 10MW capacity. This is important for equipment that the manufacturer deems suitable for sale, but industrial users want to ensure that it works flawlessly for an extended period under normal operating conditions. Additionally, equipment can potentially be certified during these tests.

This spring, several interested parties were approached to make a location choice. If your company has not been approached but has a suitable location available, please contact Ed Buddenbaum or Harry van Dijk.