Overview of the GroeneWaterstofHuisNL programme on 27 September

This is the programme as it currently stands. There may be changes or additions to it in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for the most up-to-date version.


The GroeneWaterstofHuisNL opens its doors and coffee is ready

 There will be an opportunity to have coffee or tea before the event and informally meet and connect with other attendees who have shared interests.

09.30 - 10.00

Meet & Connect

The event will begin with an informal networking opportunity for GroeneWaterstofHuisNL guests to meet each other.

10.00 - 11.30

Welcome on the main stage

Increasing demand for green hydrogen, despite current high prices, is a challenge that calls for innovative solutions. During an inspiring morning programme, experts and parties concerned will engage in a discussion about this. How can we lower production costs? What role do governments and companies play in stimulating demand? 

Speakers (international and national) will share their views and experiences, followed by a lively discussion. Together, we’ll explore opportunities and obstacles, looking for concrete steps to grow the green hydrogen market. An exciting morning that will provide ideas and energy for everyone who believes in the potential of green hydrogen.

A warm welcome by Marjan Oudeman – Chairwoman of the board of GroenvermogenNL


We have invited some incredibly inspiring speakers to the GroeneWaterstofHuisNL. Their vision and experience are guaranteed to motivate you and give you a wealth of new insights. And then we will have a conversation together.

Martin Carbonez – Regulatory and Institutional Affairs Senior Manager – Power & Hydrogen Gas, Renewables and Power Total Energies

Albert Kassies – Director New Energy at Tata Steel Nederland

Gijs Postma – MT-lid Directie Energiemarkt, DG Klimaat en Energie, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat

Anne-Frédérique de Maerel | Business expert development team van Cummins

11.45 - 13.15

Inspiring break-out sessions in the morning

In-depth or new discoveries?
During an event with break-out sessions, you are faced with an interesting choice: do you go for a session on a familiar topic to deepen your knowledge or is it time to discover something new. Whatever your preference, the diversity of sessions offers something for everyone.

Join us for an inspiring session at the Groene Waterstofhuis conference, where we will explore how international cooperation can accelerate the green hydrogen economy. Featuring insights from international hydrogen experts, this session will delve into crucial themes such as knowledge sharing, steady hydrogen off-take, and the integration of research, industry, and human capital.

Engage with speakers and peers to brainstorm actionable solutions and strategies that can propel the hydrogen sector forward. Be part of the conversation that aims to forge stronger international alliances and drive sustainable energy innovation.

Moderation: tba
Willem de Vries – ENERTRAG
Maria Trinidad Navarro – AP Executive Search
Martijn Coopman – Port of Rotterdam
Nicole Vermeulen – Hy24

The Netherlands wants to be able to guarantee its strategic autonomy and economic security for future generations as well. To that end, investing in technological innovation is crucial. But the current climate actually shows a stagnation in the Dutch technology sector.

In this session, you will be taken through the situation of Dutch technological hydrogen companies. What are the current developments? What is involved in scaling up and what is necessary for a scale-up that guarantees economic security and strategic autonomy for the long term?

Moderator: Jelle Blekxtoon | FME
Speakers: will follow

How important is R&D for the acceleration of the market for green hydrogen? Together with Bert Stuij (RVO, expert in sustainable energy innovation) and Guido Mul (technical manager of Work Package 1) you will search for the answer. They will share their insights on how we can work together as an ecosystem and thus achieve success.

During the session you will talk to other researchers and innovators. You will exchange perspectives on breakthrough opportunities. And consider the relevance of R&D for the market, now and in the future. In this session you will also learn more about the GroenvermogenNL R&D Program, which aims to accelerate the market.

Moderator: Jane Butler | GroenvermogenNL
Speakers: Interactive session in small groups

In this session, speakers will explain how the cost model developed by NLHydrogen and TNO works. Together with the other participants, you will turn the controls of the model during the session. This way, we discover which parameters influence the price of green hydrogen in the near future. This provides interesting insights that help us determine which factors are crucial, and which we use in the session to explore together how the price of green hydrogen can come down.

Moderators: Samira Farahani | Marcel Weeda | Remko Ybema
Speakers: will follow

Ideation Labs facilitates in bringing research outcomes to real-world applications, it helps researchers to identify and validate the practical applicability (problem solution fit) and the commercial viability (product market fit). In this break-out session we will share our recent experience with an Ideation Labs for Hydrogen and Green Chemistry conducted at the TU Delft. Next, we offer a challenge by examining the GroenvermogenNL portfolio. Finally, we want to discuss if and how Ideation Labs can be adopted and rolled out at GroenvermogenNL level.

Moderator: Dr. ir. Peter Lucas | Program Manager Hydrogen – H2 Platform (tudelft.nl)
Speakers: Gerard van Smeden en Claire Visser

It may seem that decisions in the green hydrogen sector are often made by the 40 or even 50+ generation, even though these decisions will have the largest impact on the careers of younger generations.

So, how can you as a young professional take an active role in this sector and make your mark on the future of green hydrogen?

Join us for an inspirational session with pitches from young professionals and an interactive panel discussion.

Moderator: Emma van der Minne or Pedro Mazaira Couce (Young Groenvermogen)


  • Bernhard van Haersma Buma – Hinicio NV & KEK (worked for Nobian, HYCC)
  • Fran Pope – PhD Student (UvA)
  • Rutger Oorsprong – Strategic advisor – Energy transition (Port of Amsterdam)
  • Siddharth Kalra – Technical Sales and Business Development (Battolyser Systems)
  • Jorg Gigler – Topsector Energy
  • Maja Rücker – Assistant professor (TU/e)


13.15 - 14.15


14.15 - 15.45

Afternoon break-out sessions

Do you choose a session on a familiar topic to expand your knowledge? Or, is it time to explore unexplored territory and gain fresh insights? Whatever your preference, the diverse range of sessions has something for everyone.

More transparency in the market can stimulate green hydrogen trading and thus usage. In this session, we look at how the HyXchange trading platform can play a role in this. You will be updated on the (international) developments concerning the certification that enables trade in (green) hydrogen. Which includes the clear agreements – laid down in regulations – that are crucial for this. And whether there is too much or too little policy coming from Brussels at the moment.

Moderator: Bert den Ouden – Hyxchange
Speakers: will follow

What is the rationale behind public money for projects – such as R&D, pilots and demonstrations – around green hydrogen? This is not only to support the implementation itself, but also: to be able to use the acquired knowledge more broadly for the further development of the green hydrogen economy. TNO has developed a monitoring framework for this. You will hear more about this during this session. We will also discuss an important dilemma together: how do you deal with the tension between the generic learning objectives of a project and confidential business data in the example of test facilities. Think along about that balance!

Moderatoren: Jorg Gigler | Marcel Weeda | Lennart vd Burg

What does knowledge sharing bring us? And how do we organise it? Those questions are the focus of this session. You will be introduced to a new digital knowledge platform, which will play a key role in knowledge sharing between parties and projects in the green hydrogen ecosystem. Through this platform, we can share experiences, research results, pilot projects and models. This will allow us to save costs together, achieve the breakthroughs needed for green hydrogen and accelerate the scale-up of hydrogen applications.

Moderator: Koen Maassen | GroenvermogenNL
Speakers: Gino van Strijdonck & Marcel Koenis

Offshore wind energy is produced increasingly far from the coast, making connection to the electricity grid more complex and expensive. This makes it interesting to use this wind energy to produce green hydrogen. But this requires suitable infrastructure for transportation. In this session, we look at whether existing offshore gas pipelines can be converted for green hydrogen. Or are new pipelines needed? In the former case, technical feasibility and safety need to be investigated. While new pipelines can be designed specifically for green hydrogen, but require a larger investment. Careful consideration of the pros and cons is thus needed to find the most effective and sustainable solution for transporting offshore produced hydrogen. With also the question of whether it could be interesting to connect the infrastructure to the countries – future hydrogen markets – around us.

Moderator: Rene Peters – TNO

14.00 Rene Peters – TNO and coordinator WP2 H2 transport and storage (HyTROS). Welcome and introduction.

14.10- Michel Dubbelboer – strategy advisor TenneT and NSWPH
System integration in offshore energy, results of NSWHP studies –

14.35 – Oscar Kraan – strategy manager Deloitte
Development of the Energy Infrastructure Plan North Sea (EIPN), possibilities for reusing infrastructure.

15.00 – Thijs de Vries – BD offshore H2 – Gasunie
The development of a hydrogen infrastructure at sea and interconnections with North Sea countries

15.25 Q&A and closing – Rene Peters

Come to our information session on Carbon-based chemistry. How can companies reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the production of ammonia and other (bulk) nitrogenous molecules? This involves both the obvious use of green hydrogen in the Haber-Bosch process and the development of new advanced technologies.

This is an important question in the energy transition, as hydrogen production for ammonia production consumes 1.5% of the world’s total energy and contributes up to 7% to total Dutch CO2 emissions.

A budget of €35 million is available for projects in this field.

For companies and knowledge institutions
Are you a company or knowledge institution active in this field? And do you want to actively contribute to a sustainable, circular future with green hydrogen? Then we would like to invite you to participate in one or more calls of our R&D programme.

One consortium, one project plan
Interested parties are asked to work together on one project plan per call. So there is no competition between different applications. Beforehand, parties participate in two workshops of 2.5 days each. They form a consortium and develop one joint project plan. The calls and consortium formation are carried out by NWO.

Moderator: Maryam Alimoradi Jazi | GroenvermogenNL
Speakers: will follow

How does your project or idea get the attention it deserves? In such a way that the whole of the Netherlands – from hydrogen professor to NIMBY neighbour – understands the story, and preferably: creates space for it. In this stimulating session, you will take a journey along inspiring examples of hydrogen storytelling. How do these stories contribute to support and a future with green hydrogen? With the insights gained, you can get straight to work. Grab attention in an environment where every day there is another hydrogen article in the media, a report is published and new podcasts are put online. Challenging when you consider that the Netherlands currently has over 300 hydrogen projects, and the government is investing billions in scaling up green hydrogen.

Moderator: Liesbeth Looman| Communicatie GroenvermogenNL


Michiel Bal – woordvoerder Missie H2
Marjemme van Poelgeest – communicatieadviseur Programmabureau NZKG
Nienke Kikkert – communicatieadviseur Nationaal Waterstof Programma
16.00 - 16.45

Spectacular finale

The day is almost over, but not before we share some surprising insights with you. Bert Weckhuysen explains why pilots and demonstrations are so valuable. Immediately afterwards, you will see a fascinating overview of various inspiring examples.
We will take you on a rapid journey along all these gems.
And then there is a closing of the day that is truly unique and will surprise and motivate you. This performance that will certainly surprise and inspire you. you absolutely do not want to miss!
Book a timeslot

A timeslot for a 1-1 meeting

With experts from the Financieringsloket [Top Sector Energy] and from Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland [RVO].