Voorwoord door Henk van Terwisga | Programma manager HCA - GroenvermogenNL

Working on the hydrogen transition together: an inspirational tour through the regions

As part of the GroenvermogenNL HCA programme, we are working with six regions, each with its own liaison officer. This is because each region has specific areas of focus and its own labour market. In the various regions, the liaison teams are developing their regional roadmaps, outlining potential solutions and approaches in the transition towards a green hydrogen economy. Together with the regions, we are implementing the nationwide GroenvermogenNL programme. 


Out and about with trailblazers 

The regions are seeking each other out in order to learn from each other, coordinate approaches and identify nationwide issues. This was what inspired the idea to spend a focused week on a safari through the regions to find out what each other is up to. There was no shortage of enthusiasm. Not only the regional liaison officers and their teams, but a large number of other stakeholders from the education and professional worlds registered to attend presentations and get out and about with trailblazers in port areas and business parks. In a very informal way, we viewed, discussed and experienced the current situation concerning green hydrogen in the regions. 

Education and training for the hydrogen future 

Even I was amazed by what I saw. So, what stood out in particular? The fact that every region offers new insights: hydrogen production and landing, transport, transhipment and transit, local applications intended as a buffer in the electricity grid, hydrogen as a raw material for industrial processes. These are all aspects of the hydrogen transition for which we will need to train people. And this is not just about educating young people in the education system. Much of the challenge will involve training and upskilling professionals who are currently already working and will see their jobs transformed. The question is how we can work together to prepare them successfully for the future. This is what the regions are currently working on with their stakeholders, in a series of roadmaps. 

The transition to the green hydrogen economy is a shared endeavour 

We are on the right path. My main takeaway from the HCA Safari Days was a widely shared sense of urgency and a strong willingness to work together and take action. There was a prevailing atmosphere of determination to achieve the transition to the green hydrogen economy together. The transition has started and is beginning to accelerate. 

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Henk van Terwisga
Human Capital Agenda